Friday, 25 January 2013

Flowers Only!

It seems that 2012 wasn't a great year to start a new business growing vegetables and flowers. It's not hard to guess why! However perhaps 'trial by fire' - or rather, by rain - was a good way to start in terms of experiencing growing at perhaps its lowest point.

I didn't get round to blogging much last year, mainly because, despite the wet weather, I was too busy/distracted to think of anything worth writing about, and when I did have an Interesting Thought I lacked the impetus to get it down and posted so it just floated away. I suppose my late New Year's resolution has to be regular updates on my blog: it's all to easy to go to Facebook and Twitter to put out a brief sentence or two but I think it's good to have a place to get into a bit more detail and depth.

I've blogged before about my intention to make a change to my business: to do what I really want to do after my career change - grow and sell flowers - and not what gets in the way of being able to do that - growing veg for veg boxes. I started to hunt around for a new plot where I wasn't tied to vegetable production and have been lucky enough to fall on my feet! Caroline at Goodness Organics has offered me a plot of land to rent from April, so this week I have started to move plants across in preparation for a new season of flowers only. Of course there's plenty of work to do to get started there, as well as still working on the veg side for another couple of months, but despite the cold, grey weather conditions I can definitely see that chink of sunlight I've been hoping for.

(I also have a little side project lined up for the summer months - but more of that nearer the time.......)

The lesson from this episode is: sometimes it pays to ask for what you want (something I don't tend to do!).

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